Sunday, October 05, 2008

Am at the fag end of my PSAC (= Parents sponsored academic career! )... another two months and Ill be outta here. A journeyI started when I was four is now set to move into a chapter called prologue. Unfortunately, things always wern't as expected, considering the sample size I'm talking about here (5 years of Architecture and almost 2 year of management), this is quite a number I'm talking about.

With practically nothing to do after my last exams, I figured out that Ive taken close to 500 exams in the last ten years, to come where I stand today. Unfortunately, one would have exepected to be at the gates of heaven after so many tests ( to which I have stood tall and defiant, if not worthy), but have in fact arrived at the cross roads of my life. Now there are two roads that move out from here, an old adage says that the path less travelled has always made man a better person, and the other says "!#@$% u crazy ?? Relax will you ??"

A hundred years ago listening to the old sages with white beards may have been the order of the day, but I do suppose junk food and modern life has made me retarded enough not to realise the obvious choice. Karma they say, is the way to salvation, on the other hand, whoever needs salvation ??

Dad turned 54 this year, mom crossed half a century. Albeit they arent without thier set of problems, head to toe they're showing signs og aging, but frankly speaking I've never seen them more alive or full of emotions. Its a very charecter amongst us humans, unlike flowers, we dont take it our destiny to wilt and crumble, we fight it everyday. From meds to therapy to creams we use everything to stay constant. Thankfully, my parents have aged gracefully, and thier grace has taught me a lot more than any book has in the last few years. I think Jurong would have had a few fights at home, I wish he had written more about the quality of life.

To all you dillusioned people, who I am thankful to for reading this ( believe me.... you're probably a handful scattered across this planet, and have probably come across this by some random chance... cause I dont publicize this anyway) this blog is about age and education.

Am I educated ?? People say yes.... Do i feel educated ?? NO....
What lies ahead in the future ?? I havent a clue..... People say prosperity, I wonder.
Insanity I think is what this world is heading to. I dont know if I've mentioned this before, but I've read somewhere.. (..and god knows where) that the homo sapien wasnt always conscious of himself. The great Illyad and Odyessey ( Homer and not some other idiot) spoke about a great war, the chances are that Acchilees and the lot hadnt a clue about what they were doing. They were no better than animals, they were instigated and they fought.

There was a theory which said that we differ due to our deviances. Unfortunately, animals have deviant behaviour too, I knew a Dog ( and the best one i've ever come across) who thought he was human and cats who thought they were dogs. Havent you read in the papers ?? Cats are feeding tiger cubs and seals who thing buoys are thier mates ?? Do you blame humans if they want to be tied up and beaten and cum as a result of that ?? Or for that matter hang upside down for a few days just to see whether they can survive it.

I think all these bombings, all this violence, is natures way of ensuring that we go back to the flint age. The irony is to see how this world is diverse in its functioning, us educated people kill each other for money, we live in cramped spaces and pretend to be happy with a pair of Reebok shoes which we didnt need, but bought with a credit card, who's bill is going to haunt us for ages. Are we really edcucated ?

Those who call themselves our teachers are mighty screwed up. I mean its surprising people havent even realised how mad some of these people are. Its insane how people talk of morality without even looking at themselves, even once. The conscience ladies and gentlemen died long ago. Sadhus and evangelists, talk of living lives in a certain way.. politicians con us, the wannabe teachers fuck our minds, parents fight, people fight, countries fight.... for what may I ask ?

This is not the ranting of some mad freak whos frustrated with life.... This is the ranting of a man whos trying to make a difference. For whom, happiness is primary and all others secondary. Im not going to hang on a rope hoping to move into some galaxy where we have people who are kind and gentle. I dont want kind and gentle creatures, Im not looking for Pandas. Im looking for a mind in human biengs, unfortunately I have been failed time and time again.

You love someone with all you have ? To get what in return ? Nothing at all... you do it for your own satisfaction.... you cry when that someone hurts you.... why ?? not because it makes a friggin difference... but because you feel sad for that person. Mom and Dad lived for me, they gave me everything.... I feel sorry for people who I have loved and have walked away.... you dont deserve me.... you cannot deserve me.... Im better than this.... And this is not narcasissm.... Just because you cant see doesnt mean the world does not have eyes. Unfortunately for a lot of you, who have decided to walk away... my condolences, because you will never realise what it means to give.... to have and to keep...... you havent been shown that way.... it exists believe me.... I just hope that you dont realise it when you're lying on your deathbed, or in some inexcusable situation.... I just hope you stay happy and never realise it at all... Good Luck and god bless...

(This blog was written after a lot of thought, with no alcohol, drugs or any external influence, one early morning. Its cynical, but it just holds the answer to a lot of things I think about everyday.... I will become better than what I have become... is all I can say.... For all those who've stuck around... thanks for doing that.... I promise you havent wasted your time... the rest I do not wish to comment upon anymore... )