Monday, April 07, 2008

Perched on the fifth floor, I have this excellent view of Pune, this city is like any other, a concrete jungle.... but then I have the hills very close by, so the morning are fabulous..... I was up most of last night... working some.... reading some... figuring somethings out... spending the night.. to plan for my day !!

Early this morning, something very interesting happened.... a stray litter on campus managed to get on the fifth floor, and a bunch of mid sized puppies were romping around... not the best thing that can happen to you, but most definitely great to see a bunch of happy puppies early morning... fed them a couple of stale biscuits !!

I wish something nice would happen every morning, it makes my day.... If you're reading this.... and you know who you are, (fat chance you'll be reading my blog though !!) you're the most special thing thats happened to me... I wish I was with you.... !!

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Compulsive tendencies, what does it mean to be compulsive ??
Well, how about this.... all smokers casually pick up a smoke when theres nothing much to do....
OR, There is always this one thing thats on your mind at all times.. so much so.. that you'd do anything to keep things in a certain way in ur mind atleast...
There is this story about a certain tribe in Africa, where exepecting mothers were sent to this small hut all by themselves, and they came out of the hut, their child in their hands, not a sound ever came out of the hut.... A western reasearcher who went there was mind blown by this phenomena.... only to realise when told by the chief of the clan, that its all in the mind....
Similarly, so many things in our lives are all in our minds.... sometimes, we end up liking or disliking someone, without any reason as such, its almost automatic....
And then again, even if it hurts us, we chase something or go after something as if our lives depended on it..... Hellen Keller was righ when she said " No one can make you feel inferior without your consent".... We just do it to ourselves, and the best part is, it doesnt hurt then... it doesnt even smart.... its all done.... till you think about it later... and even then... some of our emotions have it in them to neutralize all others..... we keep fighting and we screaming, but we know inside us... that thats the way to be,... no matter what... no matter where....

All who smile, should know... that without tears there wud have been no smiles...
Sometimes, just sometimes, look beyond yourself and reach out to someone else... it helps understand how insignificant our problems are... lets say... its just a way to make ourselves feel better..... Stand like a wall, for those who have you when the cement hadnt dried.... otherwise.. whatever was the use of building this wall ??

Love like you never have.... lifes too short for hatred....