Sunday, May 11, 2008

50 blogs in over two years..... i wonder what I've been upto... lol

A very dear and close blogger says... "one email can change your life..... ", why one email..... emails are a writte nmanifestation of ones feelings.... sometimes theyre worth it... sometimes theyre not.... a simple text message.... a 10 second conversation.... no conversation.... no messaging... a withdrawl can change your life... why.... anything can change ur life....

am i now not a prime example..... ?? a bugging changed idiot.... who just changed.... and to no avail... ive changed.... havent i ?? tell me.... who am i ?? what am i ?? ive stood up to what ive needed to be..... i wanted to be one strong guy... the chap who stood there.... but to get shooed away.... is not... me..... its not me.... its not me......

im here... strong and and my strong mind....

Friday, May 09, 2008

Ive tried about six times.... i know i wanna write... but dont know what...... if anyone is reading this.... there is a long... long.... long one coming up next.....