well, noone seems to be able to reach a conclusion, so here goes.... our times in the last one year....

bloody jha wanted a snap for orkut, kept making everyone click... this was the best... what an irony...!!

met tk at garuda... bugger had turned up at empire to pee when we landed up there, tagged along after that.... good old days with him too (check out my fundo hair do... lol.... bloody i look like a joker, and tk looks drunk as ever)

sometimes we'd all just get down to hogging on good food, for no god damn reason... one of those days... the guys other than sid... hes probably in the kitchen coochy cooing !! :)

and the gurls !! :)

and me..!! lol

arunavs birthday.... lol.. dude the thought of that day makes me smile :)

sid and arunav on his birthday

there is so much more i can upload.... so many pictures, but the memories cant be put up here... neither can crack all the stupid jokes weve laughed at.... :) love yall dudes, youve kept me alive