Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Im almost done with 5 years.... and im utterly confused.... of gandhi and hitler... who was worse...
In my own perspective... rather as an Indian.... i would say Gandhi.... truth... all balls...
People just go over the cliff with the way they are.... not like i havent.... at one point of time... but people do it ever so incessantly... and that too over somethings that wreck your sense of time and space... and emotions...
This places is horribly lonely... i live with two other people.... and im thankful for them.... it cud have been much much worse...
People change in such environments.... adapt to them and then grow within them... for better or for worse... lonliness can get to you... it can become an inspiration for some and for some others it becomes a weakness....
At times it all bites... and so hard... that you try and clinge on to whatever little you have.... or at times... hope to have.... dillusions... illusions... and day dreaming become a part of your life... and then one day you wake up..... and trust me... you wake up on the wrong side of your bed... to become someone... so heartless... metamorphised in your tryst for survival, that you can hardly recognize yourself...
Every now and then.... you try and become normal again... try and grow an extension to yourself which is nipped off.... by none other than yourself.... and times when that isnt nipped, something else is... and all the gung ho that you have falls right off... lonliness teaches u to deal with it all.... and... well wait for another arm to grow... :)
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Saturday, September 02, 2006
In a church by the face
He talks about the people going under
Only child know
A man decides after seventy years
That what he goes there for
Is to unlock the door
While those around him criticize and sleep
And through a fractal on that breaking wall
I see you my friend and touch your face again
Miracles will happen as we trip
But we're never gonna survive unless
We get a little crazy
No we're never gonna survive unless
We are a little
Crazy cray crazy
Crazy are the people walking through my head
One of thems got a gun to shoot the other one
And yet together they were friends at school
Get it, get it, get it, yeah!
If all were there when we first took the pill
Then maybe then maybe then maybe then maybe
Miracles will happen as we speak
But we're never gonna survive unless
We get a little crazy
No we're never gonna survive unless
We are a little
No no we'll never survive unless we get a little bit
A man decides to go along after seventy years
Oh darlin
In a sky full of people only some want to fly
Isn't that crazy
In a world full of people only some want to fly
Isn't that crazy
In a heaven of people there's only some want to fly
Ain't that crazy
Oh babe Oh darlin'
In a world full of people there's only some want to fly
Isn't that crazy
Isn't that crazy Isn't that crazy Isn't that crazy
But we're never gonna survive unless we get a little crazy crazy
No we're never gonna to survive unless we are a little crazy
But we're never gonna survive unless we get a little crazy crazy
No we're never gonna to survive unless we are a little crazy
No no never survive unless we get a little bit
And then you see things
The size of which you've never known before
They'll break it
Only child know
Them things
The size
Of which you've never known before
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Nanaji is no more..... things have changed so so much..... i cant seem to be able to identify all the changes... its all a massive blur.... but yes..... i wish i was there when he died..... noone told me anything.... and coming back and facing the reality which was as harsh as this.... wasnt quite easy.....
Its been a rough 15 days....
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Monday, July 03, 2006
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Some of the goddamn idiots living around us are the biggest bloody ******* ive seen. O the friggin idiots start washing thier clothes at like 5 in the morning, and my room faces and balcony which faces thiers.... and make it conveneient to grunt like the Maria Sharapovas on TV every time they raise the poor clothes over thier heads and bring the down with such a bang, that a dead man would spring alive.
Its either the clothes, or the bloody utensils, i wonder how many they use in day... theyre always washing, it is soooo irritating.
They make it a point to stand there and shout if we play music a wee bit louder than usual, or any of us soccer enthusiasts lets out a little scream. But then again, i wish i could go over to thier place and smash something up, to make them realise that if i play something loud it has melody, what u have banging outside ur house is a like .... NOISE !!
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Its been a nice day, the sun behind the clouds, the faint glow all around... The breeze, or should i call it a gale...
it was like this when i was in first year... then it all seemed to have changed, mans effect on his climate... but now its back...
lets see maybe we could make a trip to DD Hills sometime... it wud so rock...
Friday, June 30, 2006
all of em buggers are slowly moving out of Kolkata... Arjun is a Mumbai man now... and from the scene of things, i dont think hes moving anywhere else very soon.
Everyone has moved on with thier lives, ever so fast faced all over the face of this earth. Everyone i knew is walking the path to different lives, and different situations.
I dont know what the city will look like for me in the next couple of years, somehow i have a feeling that im going right back to it once im done with my studies.
People say its a dead city, but then again, i think there is more it to it than that, people everywhere need a place to stay, and as long as that is there, people like me come into the picture... the never ending business of construction.
But then again, its fab to see all this, people movin on in different directions....
It was a revelation for me, when i came here four years ago, to live on my own, to grow on my own, today i guess its the same for everyone else who's moving away... in one way or the other
cheers mates... to our new lives...
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
I want to hide
I want to tear down the walls
That hold me inside
I want to reach out
And touch the flame
Where the streets have no name
I want to feel sunlight on my face
I see the dust cloud disappear
Without a trace
I want to take shelter from the poison rain
Where the streets have no name
Where the streets have no name
Where the streets have no name
We're still building
Then burning down loveBurning down love
And when I go there
I go there with you
It's all I can do
The city's aflood
And our love turns to rust
We're beaten and blown by the wind
Trampled in dust
I'll show you a place
High on a desert plain
Where the streets have no name
Where the streets have no name
Where the streets have no name
We're still building
Then burning down love
Burning down love
And when I go there
I go there with you
It's all I can do
Our love turns to rust
We're beaten and blown by the wind
Blown by the windOh, and I see love
See our love turn to rust
We're beaten and blown by the wind
Blown by the windOh, when I go thereI go there with you
It's all I can do....
lovely aint it?
my admit card.... my thesis synopsis... everything goes in today....
well its all a matter of a few print outs so.... :)
thought of the day :
- Eccentricity is not, as dull people would have us believe, a form of madness. It is often a kind of innocent pride, and the man of genius and the aristocrat are frequently regarded as eccentrics because genius and aristocrat are entirely unafraid of and uninfluenced by the opinions and vagaries of the crowd.
- (1887 - 1964), Taken Care Of ,1965
Monday, June 26, 2006
Sunday, June 25, 2006
wondering whether its going to do any good trying this time..... the last week seems to have dissappeared into thin air... we've done nothing...
i shall of course travel to the city tommorrow.. or so i hope... maybe i wont ....
i shall be using the telephone to good effect... lets see if the buggers there listen....
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Friday, June 23, 2006
Masood Hussain turned up out of the blue..... nice to see him doing well, nd looking rather well fed... rather interesting...
Its good to see him.... with all the people leaving.... him coming back has been quite a revelation....
Varma left the other day.... the evenings are not the same anymore... thanks to this net connection.... we're occupied to some extent... but beyond that we've been constantly looking for something to do...
I dont know about everyone else... but i do miss the evenings... bitchin.. laughing... pulling each others legs... there is just so much we have done... that.... i dont know...
There seems to be no reason to go out, because noone calls us anymore... noone hollers... "ABHIIII.... chal juice pe ke aate hain"
things are so different.... it doesnt seem like its going to be the same anymore... everyone has moved on...as must we...
Thursday, June 22, 2006
well i had an appointment with sreedhar today, he made it rather clear to everyone who visited him yesterday that he wont be seeing anyone between 10 and 11 today cause the three of us were supposed to land up.
its 10:30... and our man is nowhere to be found... he isnt picking up his cell, someone even suggested that he might be indulging in his first love, food and might have turned his cell off while doing so !! so much for mental peace !!
next semester is going to be weird. Us worker ants have this rather bad habit of slogging through classes starting at 7:30... but now... one single design project... come and go as one might please... just wondering whether any works going to get done...
im planning on designing a bio tech facility in Kolkata... rather Calcutta... i so wonder what its going to turn out to be ultimately...
hmmmm... so much for today....
Monday, June 19, 2006
Sunday, June 18, 2006
well, noone seems to be able to reach a conclusion, so here goes.... our times in the last one year....

bloody jha wanted a snap for orkut, kept making everyone click... this was the best... what an irony...!!

met tk at garuda... bugger had turned up at empire to pee when we landed up there, tagged along after that.... good old days with him too (check out my fundo hair do... lol.... bloody i look like a joker, and tk looks drunk as ever)

sometimes we'd all just get down to hogging on good food, for no god damn reason... one of those days... the guys other than sid... hes probably in the kitchen coochy cooing !! :)

and the gurls !! :)

and me..!! lol

arunavs birthday.... lol.. dude the thought of that day makes me smile :)

sid and arunav on his birthday

there is so much more i can upload.... so many pictures, but the memories cant be put up here... neither can crack all the stupid jokes weve laughed at.... :) love yall dudes, youve kept me alive
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Come to think if it, its been a long journey here in Tumkur. As much as I have hated the place in the past, it seems to have grown onto me, probably because of the type of company I have here, as well as our completely crazy lifestyle, which frankly no one tends to object on.
Wake up when you want, do whatever you want, with the obvious limits of monetary constraints. Time seems to have lost its cycle. Ankit lives off a different time zone and it doesn’t actually matter as long as he puts in the required hours in front of the computer or the drafting table, as the situation may demand. Sid seems to have gone into maximum productivity mode during the wee hours of the night as he does the best of all he does between midnight and five in the morning. I on the other hand seem to be the only person who lives of the IST, sleeping around two and waking up accordingly in the not so early hours of the morning, say around eight ??!!
The only problem that comes into question here is, what will happen once we’re out of here ? I mean how is a company or an enterprise going to deal with our weird hours and productivity periods ? But then again we defy this too, by experiment we’ve seen that the time table can be rescheduled in no time at all !! All it takes is an excrutiating stay awake period at your regular sleeping hours and bingo you’re back in what we tend to call the regular hours.
Arunav left yesterday. A chapter closed in the prolific history of doing absolutely nothing and still enjoying ourselves. We’ve spent a countless number of hours commenting on movies and the flaws that they have, laughing about stupid things, ignoring important things such as exams and like, and debating the most non consequencial issues on the planet. I stood there right in front of the bus stand as he sped away in the Volvo heading towards Pune, wondering what life would be like when all these guys would leave. I stood there thinking, staring into the horizon as long as I could see the bus(which was quite a bit considering the straight road, rather large size of the bus, and the bare naked roads owing to the felling of all the trees around them, they say its been done to widen the roads, bah ! ) and wondering what it would take to assimilate another group of friends so close that they would run out in their pyjamas in the middle of the night if you were in trouble.
Some say this is not the end but just the beginning. College is going to get over at the undergraduate level in no time at all, but it doesn’t feel like four years have gone by. It seems like school got over ever so recently and college hasn’t been so long. All the guys I knew in school have moved on in life. Hardly anyone remains in the city of Kolkata, or rather Calcutta as I prefer calling it. Whoever remains there has changed ever so rapidly, that at times it gets difficult to relate to them considering the fact that the experiences that we have had in the past four years have been so varied. They have changed, as have I, but the underlying factors still bond us, hence despite all the differences, whenever you know someone is in town you tend to do whatever it takes to meet up with them, no matter what.
The last, semi reunion that we had in Bangalore last month was such a revelation. We hardly had spent ten minutes with each other, when we started taking each others trip, I mean it was so funny man, but at the same time it was wonderful.
It is the same case in most peoples lives, when you are somewhere you dream about being somewhere else and how great life would be there. As a child you always wanna grow up, as a teenager you miss being a child but wanna be an adult because of all the freedom that comes with it. Only when you become an adult that you realize that old age is not so inviting and hope to age with dignity. The same way, I always wanted to get out of here, but today when everyone is leaving, this place seems so much better than all the places I have been, with the possible exception of home. In the last few months, we have stopped referring to our place of residence as a flat, rather unconsciously though, we have started calling it home. I very recently recognized this and blamed it on the tremendous power man has to adapt to his immediate environment, but dude, is that all that there is to it.
I have met so many people in my life, people who influenced me to a very large extent, and then disappeared from my life. Every single individual I have met has taught me so much, that words would fail to describe everything. They have moulded me, into what I am today, for better or worse. Relationships have given me essential lessons in life, thank you everyone, for every moment I have spent with you, enjoyed myself, felt loved and cared for, hated and thrown right out of your lives, willingly and not so willingly. But I guess you had to move on, find your own goals, enjoy your own freedom, a part of your lives where I did not find any part. I realize today that as much as I wanted to be with you’ll, it doesn’t happen that way all the time, sometimes its far more different and difficult to deal with someone like me, than I would imagine. I have been a jerk, been difficult and stupid, to the limit that I would not tolerate myself if I were in your place, but you have done it more than once, thank you.
I guess everyone goes through all this in their lives, everyone feels like they are doing the right thing, sometimes pushing it all, because you feel desperate to have something that you so desire, and which for the moment seems more important than anything else in the world. The problem being, that all of us have this great desire to be liked and felt wanted, unless of course you are some sociopath. But then again there comes a phase when you realize that all this isn’t the end of the world, it is far more important to bow out with grace and dignity than hang with a loose thread with none at all.
To all the people, I have wronged, for what its worth, I’m sorry, if you’ve decided to exclude me from your lives I respect that decision. To all those people who I have been a jerk with, trust me, in my right mind I have never ever wanted to be that way, its just that… I don’t know…
If you are tolerating me, thanks, if you aren’t, a heartfelt goodbye…. Someday when we meet again, maybe we can start out afresh, and maybe things won’t be as complicated.
Ps: Please forgive my cribbing, I’m trying my best to put a stop to it. People have already started complaining about my emotionless mechanical nature, but really, I’m not like that, I guess I haven’t learnt how to communicate what I feel all the time, in the most effective manner, but then again that’s no excuse. I’m trying… sincerely.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
well if one were to read the last few entries in my blog, youd tend to believe that i am some sort of manic depressive idiot... lol...
it aint so... its just that... its not been a ball game all the time... and not that i expect it to be.... nor should it be like that...
if anyone in the world has been reading it.... well... im not cribbing... im just venting... its a way of making sure people arent effected by my frustrations...
a bit tired now... the last week has been a haze.... too much happening...
Saturday, June 10, 2006
ive been quiet too long.... for the sake of decency.... cause i hate fighting... cause i like some people... and i dont give a flying fuck even if they hate me...cause ill always be there... but people,..come on get over it... stop for heavens sake.... dont push me.... if u dont like me... ask me to go... i will... but dont push.... it hurts...
i hate this sensation... cause i dont know what to do with it... how to get rid of it.....
come to think of it... its like that with everything now... i hate it...
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Monday, May 08, 2006
Saturday, May 06, 2006
i had a test first thing in the morning... that too a subject like CM... blooody hell... i just kept staring at the TV till late in the night after having to solve that bloody network problem...
The fat sob who teaches never taught us shit and would have fucked all of us if we made a mistake with that problem... thank fucking god... we got the question paper...
Then Nataraj screamed, i saw it coming quite a while ago actually....
we were fucking up really big time... there is a limit to taking things for granted and some of us were just crossing that invisible line....
someone should tell all those wierdos... it doesnt do any good to be like that....
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Empty Streets on peak hours, enough space to park for everyone...... I wonder what she would do if she landed up somewhere in central Kolkata on a weekday... say maybe around eleven ???? :)
The understanding of Urban Psych is a very area related subject..... we grow in the environment which shapes us..... we grow to understand so much more about it than anyone else would.....
The fact still remains, the Urban environment can never be the same for two people, living, even a few kilometers away from each other.... we have to understand the perspective of space in that regard.....
Noone really wants to know the perspective of Urban Space in anyone elses perspective.... what is required are the tools to to equip us to understand our spaces..... Comparisons from different parts of the world... evaluation.....
This is India. We probably have more diversity than any other country in the world.... We all talk about communalism.... has anyone ever seen as much harmony as here, anywhere else in the world ??????
Space......in India.... is a different proposition all together....
Tuesday, April 25, 2006

One unusually quiet evening we kind of realized that is wouldn’t be possible to go to Goa, cause some of us just couldn’t devote so many work days to a holiday at this point of time. We cursed out luck, called ourselves prudes without any sense of adventure, cursed the college, the world…. And everything beyond that too.
Then came Keshav, he stayed back at our flat chatting with us while Prateek was hunting for material for his seminar upstairs at varma's. We were still bitching to no end, telling him how fucked up our lives were, till he suggested that since Goa was out of the cards we should head to Gokarna. Hmmmm….. Gokarna….was the reaction. He told us it was better than nothing at all and said we’d end up having a good time cause we weren’t going sightseeing but actually taking a holiday. Someone googled the place and came up with a list of places where we could stay. With all our disappointment, we all prepared to head there, somewhere is better than nowhere was the general state of mind, and Gokarna sure sounded better than nothing.
Gokarna, was literally a shock, cause our driver blissfully unaware of the place took us directly to the Gokarna beach after taking some directions from the locals, in a language which was more than Greek to us, a mix of Konkani and Kannada, it was so weirdly mixed up that we could only spot a few words in the whole.
Gokarna beach was anything but what it had promised to be. Filthy to the core, it was a place which was worse than any beach I had ever seen. A few phone calls later we realized that it was not the place to be and headed off to Om beach.
Om beach, was exactly the opposite, one of the cleanest beaches I had ever been to, (and I have been to quite a few in India) it was fabulous. Deserted with only a few foreigners having breakfast, it was quite out of dream. We hunted for a place to stay, but we just couldn’t find any place where we could settle down. The shacks which had vacancy, were rather basic, more crude than anything else. We had a couple of girls traveling with us, and the general consensus was that it just wasn’t safe for them ( We erred in our judgement of the place greatly cause it was anything but unsafe). The only thing that peeved us off was the way people didn’t want Indians staying at some of the shacks. Probably they made more money with people from other countries but it felt strange being rejected as a second class citizen in your own country.
We kept traveling, hungry, sleepless and hung to Karwar where we reached sometime in the afternoon. An excellent lunch and a nap later we headed out to Devbaugh beach. Devbaugh is an excellent fisherman’s beach accessible only by a narrow road which reminds one of the roads in the interior of Kerala. The architecture was very similar, tiled overhangs and wooden pillars, as were the coconut tree shaded pathways in the area.
We spent the entire evening in Devbaugh, enjoying ourselves, frolicking in the water till it got dark and we headed back to our hotel.
The next stop, after a fabulous dinner, was the Tagore beach in Karwar, named after the great poet who had spent some time there and even written a poem about his experience there. We hung around in the dark for hours, enjoying the sea breeze and the occasional sparkle in the dark sky, as someone set of a fire cracker in the many resorts all around. The only bummer was that the memory card in my camera got fucked leaving us frustrated cause we had taken numerous beautiful snaps back in Gokarna. Back at the hotel we were in no shape to even talk, and ended up fast asleep in a matter of a few minutes.
The next morning we were back at Om beach. We headed off to the Paradise beach in the afternoon. The bloody boatman duped us by telling us that we could catch a good lunch at one of the shacks at the Half Moon beach which was really rather untrue. The only sign of life on Half Moon was a foreigner stiching his shirt and another guy who looked quite high. The other fellow told us that there was no food to be found there, and gave us no reason why.
Hunger was the sensation of the moment and we decided to trek to Paradise where he told us we were sure to find something to eat and off we went.
Paradise was true to its name. A secluded beach it had just one shack and the fellow who owned it was happy to cook for us. He made a simple lunch and showed us his massive stock of coke and beer which everyone raided to their hearts content. We spent hours in the water, lying in the sun or in the hammocks doing absolutely nothing.
The evening was spent on the Om beach. Sitting around watching the sun set behind the mountains was one of the most surreal experiences of my life. The setting sun, the smell of sea food all around, with all the little shacks whipping up something or the other for dinner, the smell of the sea and the clean beach, all added to the experience. We ended up having a massive dinner at one of the restaurants on the beach. We stayed there till late in the evening, sitting around on the beach till evening. The one thing that struck us, was the difference between the Indians and the foreigners there. While the guys from countries across the world seemed to be absolutely in tune with the ambience a couple of these yuppies from small towns who had landed up there ended up making sure that the atmosphere was marred by their shrill screams and stupid comments. It was rather obvious why they don’t let Indians stay there.
We didn’t even realize when it was all over from the beaches to the time we spent talking to each other in the car and the excellent food, it was really a beautiful experience, an experience of a lifetime. I know it’s a clichéd line, but they are the only words I can find to define it all…… clichéd but true.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The product design class today was fun.... i mean i'd never thought id be saying this.... but it really was....
I designed a chair today... Four years into a design course, and its only now that I'm beggining to understand what the implications of design actually are... how i single flaw of workmanship can spoil the work of a lifetime, and again.... how a single man's design can make life easier for billions across the world....
"Its all around us, over us, beneath us..... In fact we are products of evolutionary design.."
leaving for Gokarna in a couple of days..... after a shit lot of planning (which seems to have done little good)... We tried our level best to get a couple of us to push off to Goa ( a 100k ) from there, ateleast for a day... but then again people have thier preferences and there's shit we can do about it....
Well im hoping to have a good holiday, where i can just plop my ass on the beach, relax and spend a lot of time.... well.....doing nothing.....
Wish me luck....
Saturday, April 15, 2006
I was thinking about the first day of college today... it was a nightmare... facing a panel of faculty, noone of them even vaguely from my generation trying to explain to them why i took the subject up.....
I remember very vividly how Arjun stood up first, rather he was asked to stand up first and give reason to his choice.... he was confident... spoke well, impressed anyone and everyone at one go.... in fact i remember borrowing some of his lines, with assistance of the twists and turns that the English Language allows us, to try and impress the bunch of old guys, who just sat there staring.....
It was a mortfying experience...but come to think of it now..... it was rather funny...
A bunch of 20 odd people... sitting all decked up.. shifting around nervously...
It been four years since..... countless number of fights.... hours spent together....
We'll be gone in no time....yet another chapter closed..... new friends..... new lifestyles....
Thats life i guess....
As an after thought... i wonder where Arjun went.... I dont know..... i tried to keep in touch... but i guess we all just went on with our lives....